Back in the day, to find new music, you had to listen to the radio or go into a music store (a magical place where you could physically flip through bins of LPs, 8-tracks, cassettes, or CDs) to unearth an album cover that spoke to you and hopefully the music contained within would live up to the image.

Now with the likes of Spotify (my music service of choice), you can listen to thousands of albums and artists with just the click of a button, but finding new divas isn’t any easier. However, this past weekend Holiday Sidewinder’s album cover for Forever Or Whatever jumped out at me in a way that hasn’t happened in almost a decade, since I was first introduced to Millie Jackson’s iconic Back To The Shit album cover.
Forever Or Whatever is exactly what the album cover promises. It’s retro, it’s sexy, and it makes my inner teen girl giggle with glee. This is one of the cheeziest albums ever. Anyone who knows me knows that:
#1: I would never say such a thing lightly.
#2: That is a level of praise that’s reserved for the rarest of divas.
Never does Holiday Sidewinder take herself or the music too seriously. Forever Or Whatever has an 80’s, if Mannequin met Weird Science, soundtrack vibe. With songs titled “Baby Oil” and “Tra$h Can Luv” you know you’re in for a fun-filled ride. With breathy porn-star vocals and campy gay-man’s soul, Forever Or Whatever is afterglow euphoria in the form of music.
In my gay opinion, Forever Or Whatever is an inspirational album (not in the “I found Jesus” sort of way, although we all find religion in unique places) that enlightened me with a desire to find other Priestesses of Pop spreading their gospels of love.